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Why is my baby false starting?

Ever heard of a "false start"? It's when your little one wakes up in the early part of the night, usually within an hour or so after bedtime. 

It's sort of like they're treating bedtime as an extra nap, waking up after around 40 minutes and needing re-settling. 

Let's explore why false starts sometimes happen...

Melatonin and evening sleep

From 3-4 months old, our babies start producing 'Melatonin', a sleepy hormone, in the early evening. This usually means that the sleep in the first part of the night is more solid, and as the Melatonin wears off towards morning, wakes can become more frequent. 

So if your sleep from midnight onwards is currently worse, this is why!

Sleep pressure

The other thing babies need to sleep well after bedtime is "sleep pressure." This builds up when our little ones are awake in the afternoon, but the amount of time your baby needs to be awake before sleeping varies with age, increasing gradually as they grow older.

If you notice a "false start," it's often a sign that there hasn't been enough sleep pressure before bed. So your baby is now ready for a shorter last nap (or ready to drop their last nap) and generally ready for a bit more awake time before bed. 


Another cause of false starts is babies not getting enough daytime sleep, which can tip the scale towards overtiredness.When your little one is overtired, it's much more difficult for them to settle themselves to sleep and stay asleep. So this can mean not only a more wakeful early part of the night, but also more wakes throughout the night, so something we really want to avoid.

Falling Asleep Independently

Finally, if your little one is falling asleep in your arms and then being transferred at bedtime, this can be also lead to false starts.

Essentially, your baby is waking in their cot after one sleep cycle slightly disorientated as they have awoken somewhere different to where they fell asleep.

So teaching your little one how to fall asleep independently in their cot at bedtime is exactly how to overcome this one.

Need more help?

A great night's sleep requires just the right balance, so if you're ready for your evenings back and to get those longer stretches of sleep happening at night, grab a Sleep Programme (£48).

Our downloadable Sleep Programmes with instant access (available from newborn up to 4 years old) will guide you on your daytime routine including nap times and exactly how to get your baby to self-settle step-by-step.

Grab our free Extending Naps Guide below and let’s get those long, predictable naps happening on the daily:


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