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Six ways to extend your baby's naps
I’m guessing you can relate: you’ve heard that a daytime routine is important (possibly through me never stopping talking about it…sorry...
The top 5 things to do to optimise your baby's bedroom for sleep
The place that we always start when working on babies’ sleep is with their sleep environment; the room that they are sleeping in, or...
The importance of naps
Naps are a hugely important part of a baby's sleep routine, providing them with essential rest during the daytime and supporting their...
Transitioning to their own room
Transitioning your baby from sleeping in your room to a cot in their own room is a big (sometimes emotional!) milestone. Whilst this...
My top tips for newborn sleep
The arrival of a newborn brings so much joy, however, there’s no two ways about it - it’s tough! As it’s a time of sleepless nights, days...
Here's why naps are more important than classes
Controversial opinion alert! 🚨 but if you are wanting to make a big improvement to your little one’s sleep then it’s likely you’ll need...
Why I love a routine (and you should to!)
Having time for yourself and time for you and your partner are both really really important and should not simply disappear after you...
Featured in: Sheerluxe
Sleep 101: How to build a good routine Getting babies into a happy and healthy sleep routine is sometimes easier said than done. Even if...
Why is my baby awake for hours at night?
Why is my baby awake for hours during the night? POV: your baby has woken in the night. You’ve tried feeding, rocking, cuddling, swapping...
Ready to move away from rocking to sleep?
POV: You’re ready to stop rocking or feeding to sleep but have no idea HOW! Read on for some tips and if you’re ready to get cracking,...
One reason your baby will only take short naps
Too short awake windows Often, parents who are struggling with short naps are being extra mindful with awake windows so that they can...
Starting sleep training this week? Here are 3 tips!
1. Wait until you feel fully, fully ready I’ve spoken about this lots before but in my opinion and from working with hundreds of families...
Why tired and awake can look the same
If you are wanting to help your baby learn to fall asleep independently but are currently getting them to sleep yourself with rocking,...
Why is my baby false starting?
A false start is when your baby wakes in the first part of the night, usually within an hour or so of going down at bedtime. Essentially...
Ready to move away from rocking to sleep?
POV: You’re ready to stop rocking or feeding to sleep but have no idea HOW! Read on for some tips and if you’re ready to get cracking,...
The final hour before bedtime...
From working with hundreds of families now, one thing we notice is that often the hour before bed isn’t working great in terms of helping...
Featured in: The Huff Post
Why That 'Drowsy But Awake' Sleep Advice Is Pretty Much BS “The theory behind ‘drowsy but awake’ is that your baby is already very close...
How to manage the clock change
How to manage your baby's sleep with the clocks going back in October.
Three Ways to Start Extending Naps
Short naps are something that we know parents are struggling with really regularly and it's absolutely something that you can work on and...
Heatwave Tips
We talk to parents every day about making sure their baby’s sleep environment is kept cool to avoid the risk of SIDs and actually, most...
The importance of the lunchtime nap
How is your baby's lunchtime nap? I know this sounds dramatic but, A LOT of the night time sleep problems of the babies that we work...
A few notes from our holiday! April 2022
It’s hard to complain about a holiday without sounding ungrateful…but man, holidaying with a toddler is not easy! As our friends with...
How do I teach my baby to connect their sleep cycles?
Perhaps your baby has started self-settling at the beginning of a nap or bedtime but can’t seem to do it during their sleep when they...
How to get baby sleepy without milk
Introduction – But what do you do instead? Almost all of the families that we work with want to help their little ones to learn how to...
How to get rid of the dummy
Dummies work so well for many babies and are an instant settler and soother, but if it has become a hindrance to your baby's and your...
How to get cot naps happening?
Having your baby’s nap taking place in the cot is not essential. Naps can take place in the cot, sling, pram, car or in your arms and...
How does sleep deprivation affect you as parents?
A lack in energy and snapping at your partner are things which feel very familiar when we have had awful sleep but the effects of sleep...
Bedtime shouldn’t always be at the same time
We hear this from parents all the time in our consultancy: “We always stick to bedtime at 7pm and before that: bath, feed, story”. This...
Five Things To Think About To Beat Early Rising
I’m going to start off with the obvious one: light. If your little one has recently started waking around the 5am - 5.30am mark then...
The 4 month regression and how to beat it
The four month regression marks a permanent change in babies’ sleep as it matures and becomes more akin to adult’s sleep. They will spend...
Holidaying with a baby…
It’s that time again. Time for a glorious, hopefully sunny holiday that may just be a little less relaxing a time than it was before...
What is important when it comes to naps?
Your baby’s naps and the overall balance of your daytime sleep really does affect the night time sleep. Depending on your baby’s age they...
Why is sleep so much worse after 3am?
If you’re going to get a long stretch… If your baby is at a stage where they are doing any longer stretches overnight, the likelihood is...
Your Baby Doesn't Hate Bedtime!
I often hear from parents saying that their baby hates bedtime. Or hates their cot. Or hates their sleeping bag. Or hates sleep! I’m here...
My baby self-settles sometimes but not others!
Your baby self-settles at bedtime, but still wakes multiple times after 3am needing a rock or a feed or a co-sleep back-to sleep. Or...
A few notes on bath time…
When to do it? A warm bath around an hour before bed is the best time to have it. This is down to body temperature influencing the...
Five things to think about to beat early rising
I’m going to start off with the obvious one: light. If your little one has recently started waking around the 5am - 5.30am mark then...
Three things to try this week to improve your baby's sleep
1. Know your baby's daytime sleep needs One of the main things that can help with getting your baby sleeping better is knowing that when...
Featured in: Baby Bloomberg
How To Get Your Baby To Sleep Through The Night In 3 Weeks By The Sleep Chief When your baby isn’t sleeping well at night it can feel...
How to ditch the dummy
If you're getting up multiple times a night to pop the dummy back in, then it might be time for it to go and stop disrupting your sleep.
To routine or not to routine
Routine is so important when working on little ones’ sleep and I personally always advise following a routine with set timings for the day.
Are there things I can do to help my newborn develop good sleep habits?
Here are a few things you can do to start helping your baby get onto the right path with their sleeping habits
Meet Jago, our baby boy and the one who unknowingly kick-started the Sleep Chief journey
When I was pregnant our biggest fear was the sleep deprivation, so I decided to really delve deep into the subject.
Do formula-fed babies sleep better than breast-fed babies?
Is it a myth? What evidence is there to suggest that formula milk fills up a baby more than breast milk?
How do you get your baby to take one of their naps on-the-go?
Discover some ways to create a more optimal sleep environment and encourage sleep for on-the-go cases!
Featured in: The Sun newspaper
Getting children to sleep through the night is no easy feat for parents. But we’ve spoken to a trained sleep consultant who provides...
Is it ok to feed my baby to sleep?
If you feel like you’ve reached a point where feeding to sleep has become a problem or it’s all getting too much for you then read on.
Are you ready, ready?
When it comes to making changes to your baby’s sleep, as the parents you really need to be ready. As in, really ready!
Ways to get your toddler to like bedtime
If your little one is resistant or fighting bedtime and generally protesting during the last part of the evening there are ways to shift...
How does sleep deprivation affect you as parents?
A lack in energy and snapping at your partner are things which feel unavoidable when we have had awful sleep but the effects of sleep...
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